I have been following my Ancestry.com account for some years now, noting that as more data becomes available your "DNA Origins" also changes. A few surprises have resulted. First of all, it turns out I'm less Irish than I originally thought I was (8%). I also have a genetic connection to the Welsh (12%), and my Scottish connection has lessened a bit (now 14%; I think it was 17% or even higher earlier). My largest DNA genetic connection is simply listed as "England and Northwestern Europe" (60%). I have minimal connections to Denmark and Sweden (3%), Norway (2%), and have a 1% Jewish connection.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Thursday, February 28, 2019
More Possible Scotish Roots

The Gillock line begins with my second great-grandmother Harriet Gillock (1828-1907). She married Absolom Smith, my second great-grandfather, so this line comes from my natural father's side, whereas the Flynt line comes through my mother's side. I don't have to go quite as far out to find the Scottish connection here - only to my supposed 5th great-grandfather Lawrence Gillock, Sr. (1728-1786). This name may have a number of variants including Gilloch and Gelak.
A third name presents yet one more opportunity to find a Scottish connection. However, as with all things genealogical, this is not by any means conclusive. This possible connection would be my 5th great-great grandmother Jane Elizabeth Lindsay (1728-1800). Some doubt was expressed as to whether Lidsay is her maiden name, so more evidence will have to be secured before I have full assurance that this line is truly Scottish. The Scottish connection, if it is true, seems to appear in a possible 9th great-grandfather, James Lindsay (1623-1674). The Lindsays appear to have come from the Scottish lowlands.
As a side note, it is interesting, as I reviewed these family lines, how many immigrated to Virginia from Scotland. this is also born out by my DNA results which have my genetic fore-bearers as being heavily invested in the Virginia area. One interesting history of the Scottish immigration to North America can be found here. As noted in this brief article: "Poverty has always been noted as the main reason for Scottish emigration. Two-thirds of the land is harsh – rocky, ill-drained, swept by rain-bearing winds off the Atlantic and far from the Mediterranean and medieval centres of European trade and culture. The first Scottish communities away from home were founded by traders. In the 17th century a new factor was driving Scots away from their homes. Schools in Lowland parishes producing a literate population resulted in five universities in a country of under a million people. This created a highly educated middle class. In an underdeveloped Scottish economy, however, there was a shortage of middle-class jobs and this caused many Scots to leave for the likes of England, to several of the Baltic States and to North America."
An Addendum: One more name surfaced: Stuart, a version of Stewart, which is identified as a Scottish surname. This line comes through my natural father William Deroy Smith: William --Archibald Luna Smith --Amanda Levan (great-grandmother) --William I. Petty (2nd great-grandfather)--Anna Elizabeth Stuart (3rd great-grandmother, 1788-1850) --William Stuart (4th great-grandfather, 1765-1804). At this point it ends in my Ancestry work without any more current leads and no conclusive information tying this line directly to Scotland. I have seen this name also associated with Ireland as well.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
My Strongest Irish Connection

Still, as the great day of St. Patrick approaches, I feel I remain on fairly solid ground to claim my Irish heritage, even if that heritage has more distant roots further back! Turns out that many in our country also have deep Irish roots, and like much of our ethnicity, those roots stretch deep into the long and complicated soil of human history.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Scots in Ireland, the Ulster Plantation, and Other Items

So, my one seemingly strong connection with Ireland may be just as Scottish as it is Irish!
Charles and Margaret were married in Ireland in 1834, but records indicate that by 1850 they are living in New York. This move, again, may have an historical reason. The "Great Famine" in Ireland occurred between 1845 and 1849 and was responsible for a sizeable emigration out of Ireland. So great was the death and emigration that the population of the island is said to have dropped from 20% to 25%.
My great grandmother Alice nee Reynolds, 1833 - 1903 (later Macauley) was born in Ireland in 1833. She arrived in this country in 1840, and I wonder if her family also left as the economy worsened with the impending famine soon to follow. Reynolds, it is believed, is the anglicized version of the Irish MAC RAGHNAILL, but the form MAC RANNALL is considered nearer the original. So my great grandmother may be a closer and truer Irish connection. The Mac Rannalls are associated with County Leitrim, which like Antrim, is also in the northern part of Ireland, to the south-west of Antrim.
Friday, February 22, 2019
William Deroy Smith (1916-1980)

This blog has been largely dormant for 11 years. It's purpose was to put my questions about my family background into the larger arena of the internet with the hope that someone may see them in a search. It did not yield the results I initially hoped for at that time.
Since then my daughter gave me a DNA test kit from Ancestry.com for my birthday in December of 2017. The results came last year and I was astounded by the doors it opened. I finally found answers to some of the questions I had for so many years. I will use this blog now to write further on the findings not only of this test, but also the family tree I had been constructing since then. It is all still in a beginning stage and each year I take out at least one month's membership with Ancestry.com so that I have greater access to their database. Door continue to open.
Since then my daughter gave me a DNA test kit from Ancestry.com for my birthday in December of 2017. The results came last year and I was astounded by the doors it opened. I finally found answers to some of the questions I had for so many years. I will use this blog now to write further on the findings not only of this test, but also the family tree I had been constructing since then. It is all still in a beginning stage and each year I take out at least one month's membership with Ancestry.com so that I have greater access to their database. Door continue to open.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Mint Cafe
In the 1940's my mother worked (under-aged, I think), for the MINT CAFE in downtown Wausau, Wisconsin, while she was going to high school. As someone who lived in the rural areas, you pretty much had to move into town to be able to attend school, unless you had someone to drive you. These were the days before mandatory busing. She also had to work to support herself, and talked about having only one dress to wear to school in those days. When I can locate the picture, I'll post my mother in her waitress uniform outside the restaurant.
I was able to get this flier last month when I stopped by during vacation with my children for a quick dinner. Note that it has been around since 1888! Does anyone out there know the history of the MINT CAFE?
Upate (2-27-19)
As promised when the original post was written, this, I think, is a picture of my mother when she was a waitress at the Mint Cafe. If not there, at least from that general period of time.
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